Do you ship outside the United States?
Yes, we ship to Canada. Once we have your address, we can project shipping charges and bill you through PayPal.
Does the Gas Water Heater Timer have a Warranty?
Absolutely. The Gas Water Heater Timer comes with a 5-year limited warranty on the housing and motor for any defects in materials or workmanship.
If for any reason the Gas Water Heater Timer does not perform due to any defects which occur during normal use, we will repair or replace the unit free of charge. View the full warranty details.
Will I Be Without Hot Water if I Use a Water Heater Timer?
Of course not! Even though the main burner is shut off by the water heater timer, you are not without hot water. You will have hot water stored for intermittent uses between timer settings.
Will the Gas Water Heater Timer Fit on Every Water Heater?
The Gas Water Heater Timer fits nearly all traditional gas water heaters. If you have one of the gas control valves shown to the right, it will fit!
Does the Gas Water Heater Timer Affect My Pilot Light?
No… because the Gas Water Heater Timer is a “Smart Device” – your pilot light always stays on.
What is the Cost to Install the Gas Water Heater Timer?
Not one dime … it’s a “SmartDevice”! Our Gas Water Heater Timer comes with complete instructions.
There are no tools required, and it can be installed by the average homeowner in as little as 10 minutes.
Are There Any Rebates or Tax Credits Available for Using the Gas Water Heater Timer?
American Pacific is applying to the EPA for an “Energy Star” listing under a requested “Programmable Controller” category and, if approved, there will be tax credits available to all eligible consumers!
Is the Gas Water Heater Timer Compatible with “Home Automation” Electronic Devices?
Yes! The Gas Water Heater Timer will accept any “Home Automation” electronic timing device. After you have received it, simply unplug the mechanical timing device we have furnished… and plug in your own device, it is as simple as that! Its use will not affect the warranty.
Can I Use the Gas Water Heater Timer for My Business?
Yes! Many businesses use a residential or light commercial water heater, in which case, the Gas Water Heater Timer would be a good application for saving money and energy resources.
Are There Any Safety Issues I Should Be Concerned With When Using the Gas Water Heater Timer?
Absolutely not. There are no wiring or gas line modifications required. Simply read the instructions, install the timer and plug it in. All internal components are UL tested and approved.
Does a Water Heater Timer Really Save Energy?
You decide! Imagine heating your water only 3 hours each day…perhaps 1-1/2 hours in the morning for bathing and 1-1/2 hours in the evening for kitchen and bathroom requirements, instead of 24/7. The water heater timer reduces gas burner usage by approximately 45 minutes each day or about 27,000 BTU.s of gas consumption by the average gas water heater in use today.
The savings…
Annual reduced emissions of 1,154 lbs. of CO2 and 311 lbs. of carbon.
Sources: PG&E rate and EPA Energy Footprint
Read more on our savings page.
Can I change the temperature setting?
The temperature cannot be changed while it is installed on the water heater.
Our Gas water heater timers are factory set at approximately 130 degrees for optimum performance at the “on” setting. The “off” setting is at the lowest setting on your gas valve. The gas control valve has a 15 degree differential. This means the temperature in the tank drops 15 degrees before the main burner fires. A setting lower than 130 would allow the water temperature in the tank to drop below the comfort level to shower and efficiency level to do dishes.
With high volume demand and or colder water coming into your water heater, or possibly an internal change inside the gas control valve due to wear may sometimes require your temperature setting on your timer to be adjusted. Instructions to change the temperature setting on your gas water heater timer are included. These instructions can be used to raise or lower the temperature.
Is the Gas Water Heater Timer Really Green?
Yes! We’re listed with “SIERRA CLUB GREEN HOME” and “GREENPEOPLE”! Organizations of folks just like you who… Buy Green… Sell Green… Are Green!
Sierra Club Green Home
Green People
Water Heater Timer
Will the Timer Fit My Heater?
The Gas Water Heater Timer fits the valve types below shown below.
Note: Control valve color doesn’t matter!
See how easy it is to install the Gas Water Heater Timer on your water heater.